Joshua Williams
Joshua Williams is a Ransom Everglades high school student from South Florida who discovered his passion for philanthropy when he was 4 and a half-years-old. Believing that no child should ever go hungry, for the past nine and a half years, Joshua has been dedicated to helping to “stomp out world hunger” through his organization Joshua’s Heart Foundation, and he is working hard to end worldwide hunger one community at a time. He empowers and engages young people ages 2 and up to find their passion or purpose and use it for the better good. Alone we can do so much but together we can move mountains states Joshua.
Joshua recently appeared in “The Way Kids See It,” a documentary short film launched by Unilever that captures ideas and inspiration for creating a brighter future from children all over the world. The film features children whose positive outlook inspired Project Sunlight, a long-term Unilever initiative to motivate millions of people to live more sustainably by inspiring them to build a brighter future for children, and highlights the hopes, dreams and plans that they have for a better world.
About Joshua’s Heart Foundation
Joshua’s Heart Foundation was founded in 2005 in Miami, Florida and is dedicated to the fight against global hunger and poverty. JHF has two primary goals: to “Stomp out World Hunger” and to “Break the Cycle of Poverty”. JHF is a 501(c) 3 non-for-profit organization, which empowers, needy people to improve their quality of life, by providing items of basic necessities, such as groceries, and by effectively engaging and educating communities at home and abroad about committing to fight hunger and poverty on global basis. JHF is a youth run organization dedicated to stomping out hunger.
He has received numerous Awards for his work some national award include –
- Youngest recipient of the Champion of change award given by the white house for strengthening food security in the U.S.
- CNN Heroes Young Wonder
- BET Shine A light Honoree
- TheGrio 100 History Makers in the Making
- Bammy Awards
- Presidential Volunteer Service Award
- Three Dot Dash Global Teen Leader
- Jefferson Awards for Impact
- National Prudential Award
Joshua is the chief change maker, Founder and President of JHF, advocate for the needy, motivational speaker, sits on several national boards, travels local, national and international to create awareness and motivate others.